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Food « Weightloss Blog



balance-of-good-health-v3_7452When most of us think of the word “diet,” we think of a short-term plan
involving extreme and sometimes bizarre food restrictions or prescriptions in order to lose excess weight in as little time as possible. But at one time, before the Weight Watchers‚ and Scarsdales of the modern world, “diet” referred to the food and drink we routinely consumed. And so it should. Short-term and extreme weight-loss plans don’t generally have long-term health benefits. As I mentioned earlier, I am not advocating an overnight solution to whatever ails us, but rather a lifelong food management system that will ensure our optimal well-being. There is no need to flip-flop from diet to diet to diet. We must simply eat in harmony with our longstanding genetic predisposition to food—food that is natural, whole and bioenergetic. We must follow the natural circadian rhythm both daily and seasonally. And we must build a physical and emotional routine that will benefit and not harm our health. If we do, we will be delivering all of the nutrients to our 100 trillion cells necessary for self-diagnosis and self-healing. We will achieve hormonal balance. We will boost our mood, remain vigilant, calm and alert. We will live a longer, healthier life. The lifelong food management system that can achieve all of this, I like to call “The World’s Best Diet.” It is based on four important, but easily understood, principles: adaptability, moderation, variety and balance.

by Sam Graci



ist2_6148437-i-love-healthy-eatingWhy is healthy eating important?
As we get older, managing your weight properly and getting the right balance of food types will improve your overall feeling of well-being, whilst also reducing the risk of developing illness and diseases.

Do you have a healthy diet?

Healthy diet explained:
•Try to have plenty of starchy foods such as rice, bread, pasta, potatoes,
breakfast cereals, yams and sweet potatoes. Always try to go for the wholemeal variety in these foods where possible
•Aim to have five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables daily
•Use a moderate amount of dairy prouct and look for low fat varieties
•Moderate amount of meat, fish or alternatives such as eggs, beans, peas and lentils - look for lower fat versions where possible
• The occasional treat (foods that are higher in fat, salt and/or added sugar should only be eaten in moderation)
•Little salt - always read the label

by Jason



caloriesinpizzaAlthough exercising is great just being more active is also a good way to burn calories.A pound of fat equals 3500 calories. To lose 1 pound a week you will need to expend 3500 more calories than you eat that week, whether through increased activity or decreased eating or both. Losing 1-2 pounds of fat a week is a sensible goal, and so you will want to use the combination of increased activity and eating less that will total 3500 calories for 7 days. There are many small changing you can make to your daily routine that will burn calories for example:

• Take the stairs instead of the lift
• Keep walking whilst the escalator caries you up
• Walk or cycle instead of driving short distances
• Park your car further away than you need to or get off the bus one early
• Do some exercise on your lunch hour - swimming, yoga, etc.

by Jason



Obesity Portion SizesIf you are trying to lose weight, choose food based on their weight-to-calorie ratio. You want to eat food that weighs a lot but has few calories and avoid food that is light in weight but hefty in calories.
Fruits and vegetables are the big winners in the heavy weight-low calorie department, according to Tufts University. They weigh a lot because of their fiber and water content and yet do not have many calories. For example, one cup of cantaloupe or ‘melon’ weighs 5.5 ounces but only has 56 calories. A cup of cooked spinach weighs six ounces but only has 42 calories.
Now, compare that to six cups of buttered popcorn that only weighs three ounces and contains 420 calories or, even worse, one ounce of potato chips that has 152 calories (if you ate four ounces, you would be inviting 608 calories to feel at home in your fat cells). That’s what I call “small but terrible”.

According to the New Zealand University study, food that is light in weight but high in calories is probably the worse kind of food to eat if you are trying to lose weight. It’s sort of like ‘double jeopardy’ - you are still hungry but you have already eaten many calories.
Choose lower-fat choices of the same weight food. There can be a world of difference between the caloric consumption of two people eating the same weight and type of food. How is this possible? Easy, if you consider the way the food is cooked or prepared.

By Jon Rutledge

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dietary-fiberOf the many foods that help weight loss, fiber may be one of the best. Fiber in both insoluble and soluble forms can assist weight loss and help dieters reach their goals.

Two Types of Fiber

Fiber comes in two forms and they both work to help dieters lose weight. The two types of fiber are:

  • Soluble- Found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, oatmeal and beans, soluble fiber helps dieters by slowing digestion. This kind of fiber can dissolve in water and interacts with other components of food to help weight loss.
  • Insoluble- Found in fruit and vegetable skins, whole wheat grains, nuts and seeds. This kind of fiber does not dissolve in water and passes completely through the digestive track unchanged, making dieters feel full.

How Fiber Works to Help Weight Loss

Fiber works in many ways to help dieters lose weight. One function of fiber is to cause feelings of fullness. This works because fiber displaces other foods and takes up more space in the digestive track than other types of foods, making dieters feel full even though they have eaten fewer calories.

Another way fiber works is by causing fat and sugar absorption to slow down. Soluble fiber, in particular, can slow the absorption of sugar and prevent the rapid changes in blood sugar and insulin levels that lead to dietary fat being stored as body fat.
